Plan your frequencies in compliance with international and national agreements with out experienced consultants.
Explore Frequency Planning with the Experts
In the environment where frequency spectrum is shared, it is inevitable to face a number of challenges in the planning and management of frequencies. PROGIRA facilitates the introduction of new frequencies, and offer recommendations to help you utilize your frequencies efficiently. At the same time, we help you navigate through the complex process of complying with bilateral and international frequency coordination agreements. We have accumulated years of experience implementing frequency plans that meet your requirements, as well as those from national and international agreements.
We find Answers to Questions that Matters to Your Frequency Planning Requirements
How can you regulate the limited radio spectrum to be used as efficiently as possible and in the same time provide the maximum benefit to the users?
How can the radio spectrum be released in the most efficient way after the analogue switch-off?
How can you verify that your broadcast networks follow agreed rules in the radio license conditions?
Does your new terrestrial network implementation comply with bilateral agreements?
Is your new terrestrial network implementation in agreement with the GE06 plan?
What impacts will the introduction of a new network have on existing networks in neighbouring countries? What limitations are needed? How do you utilize the scarce resource of spectrum optimally?
- Frequency Plans
- Compatibility Calculations for new network plans
- Coverage Maps
- Interference Studies
- SFN Optimization
- Training course – PROGIRA® academy