Patrik Engstedt
Patrik is one of the founders of Progira. He graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science in 1996 from Luleå University of Technology. He has been working with the development of frequency coordination software since 1997. He has also been a consultant within frequency coordination and network planning since 1998. At that time, he participated in a large number of bilateral frequency coordination meetings for different clients.
Patrik has taken part in several international meetings within EBU in the network planning area and in particular in the preparation of the Chester 97 agreement for digital TV. He has been heavily involved in the creation of scenarios for the switchover from analogue to digital TV. He has been active in many field strength measurement projects where the focus has been to calibrate terrain based propagation models. Beside, Patrik is the course leader for Progira´s broadcast planning software Progira® plan and broadcast planning courses.
The following are the recent projects he has been involved:
- Optimisation of FM coverage in Sweden and Denmark
- Coexistence planning between Analogue TV and digital Broadcast networks in Denmark
- DVB-T2 Network planning in several countries, for example Serbia and Malaysia
- T-DAB planning and SFN delay optimization in Norway
- DVB-T2 Frequency allocation in Malaysia
- Digital dividend studies, network infrastructure cost analysis in Denmark
- ISDB-T network coverage studies on the Philippines
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